Thursday, October 8, 2009

Crocked Beef

Frequently, the local grocery ad will feature a recipe. These recipes tie to items in the ad and they do taste testings in store as well.

A few weeks ago, they featured a recipe called Crocked Beef. Essentially, it was a much simpler sounding recipe for pulled beef than my standard barbecue beef, which has at least 15 ingredients. I bought the roast and the ingredients a few weeks ago to give it a try.

My family enjoyed the recipe. My husband expressed interest in it being a bit spicier/diverse flavor, so I likely will tweak with some spices like cumin and/or chili powder next time. I liked that I could put it all in the crock pot before I left for work and when I got home, all I had to do was shred the meat and dinner was ready. The less time I have to spend in the kitchen to get dinner done, the better.

Crocked Beef

3 lbs (approximately) chuck roast
1 bottle chili sauce
1 envelope dried onion soup mix
12 oz can cola

Combine all ingredients in crock pot; cook on low for 8-10 hours. (Don’t lift the lid) Shred cooked beef.

We had the shredded beef on buns, but you could also serve it over some egg noodles.

For more recipes, check out the Ultimate Recipe Swap Where's the Beef? edition at Life as Mom.

Also, shared at the Grocery Cart Challenge Recipe Swap.


Lucy Marie said... 1

You're right - that is much easier than my normal crocked beef recipe, too. I like the addition of cola. I've put root beer in mine before.

sandboxgems said... 2

Oh my gosh, so simple, I will definitely be trying this. Like your blog header, very cute. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

BWoz said... 3

Sounds so nice and easy! Perfect for those busy, busy days. Thanks for the recipe!