Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Sound of Music Sing-Along Event

One of my all-time favorite shows is the Sound of Music. For years, I would look forward to the movie being shown on TV, as this was my only way to watch it. Then, when I was older, and we had a VCR, I found a copy of it at the library that I would check out from time to time so that I could watch it without waiting for the movie to be on TV. The first time I watched the movie on VHS, I was very surprised to learn how much had been edited out of the movie for television. It was a long movie, it was one of only a few titles that the library had that took up two tapes.

I have also been fortunate to enjoy seeing The Sound of Music performed on stage. When I was in high school, my parents took me to see The Sound of Music at a Dinner Theater for a Sunday Brunch. I also saw it performed in my hometown. I can't recall if it was a high school production or the local theater, but either way, I enjoyed seeing it live.

When I was in college, my family took a family vacation to Europe. One of our stops was Salzburg, Austria, where we took a self-guided Sound of Music tour. To me, it was a highlight of the vacation, I'm sure my brothers were less than excited, but they were good sports. I loved seeing the landmarks that had become so familiar after years of enjoying the movie.

I now own the DVD, but as a mom don't get many chances to watch it. I'm hoping soon that my daughter will be old enough to enjoy the movie and sit still for the almost three hours that it runs. The DVD came with many special features which have helped me learn more about the movie, the musical, the actors, the city of Salzburg and more.

The one place that I haven't seen the show is on the big screen at a movie theater. But, guess what! Now is my chance!

This year marks 45 years since the movie was released. In celebration, they are holding The Sound of Music Sing-Along Event: 45th Anniversary Celebration!. Tonight (October 19th) and next Tuesday (October 26th), at select theaters, you can enjoy the Sound of Music on the big screen and sing-a-long to all of your favorite songs. You can find a local participating theater, purchase tickets online and learn more about the show here.

There's more:
    Plus, see I’ll Sing Once More: The Sound of Music Today, an exclusive piece that pays tribute to this timeless classic by looking at The Sound of Music effects on popular culture. Audiences will get a unique look at the brilliant restoration The Sound of Music, be whisked back to Salzburg for a travelogue where the movie was filmed, and be treated to contemporary and surprising tributes ranging from modern dance and rock band salutes to an all-marionette version. All brought to you by NCM Fathom in partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment in celebration of the release of The Sound of Music on Blu-Ray™ and DVD Combo Packs available November 2.

I can't get my husband excited about going to see this one, but will have to see about going with a friend. A few years ago, my husband was gracious enough to take me to a Grease Sing-Along event and I loved it (he tolerated it, because he knew that I loved it).

I am also pretty excited about the upcoming release on Blu-Ray and DVD Combo packs early next month.

Doesn't hearing about all of this event just make you want to break out in a Do-Re-Mi?


Stacey M said... 1

My favorite song is "My favorite Things!"